Monday, September 30, 2019

Inclusive Learning Essay

XXXXXX XXXXXX is a registered charity offering work based learning programmes to young adults. Within my role as Advanced Teaching Practitioner, I am responsible for curriculum design, monitoring teaching, staff training and mentoring, quality assurance and learner achievement in addition to my role as a Basic Skills Tutor. Before analysing current practices, I have gained the consent from those directly involved. In order to assess current inclusive learning principles and practices of the organisation, I need to increase my understanding of inclusive learning for my own Continued Professional Development (CPD). I need to reflect of my own practices and the practices of others and evaluate the service provided. Findings What is Inclusive Learning? Inclusive learning can be defined as ‘the greatest degree of match or fit between the individual learners’ requirements and the provision that is made for them’ (FEFC, 1996, p2). Inclusive teaching means recognising, accommodating and meeting the learning needs of all students and being aware of their individual needs. It is about identifying the reasonable adjustment that can be made without it having a negative impact of the teaching and learning of others. Open University Press (2006) defines inclusive learning as ‘acknowledging your students have a range of individual needs and are members of diverse communities. Inclusive teaching avoids pigeonholing students into specific groups with predictable and fixed approaches to learning’. It is important to consider the need to be proactive as opposed to being reactive. To practice inclusive learning, actions need to be taken prior to students commencing the process. The Tomlinson report 1996 states: ‘Re-designing learning, assessment and organisations to fit objectives and learning styles may mean introducing new content to courses, adapting access or both. This approach is quite different from offering courses and then giving students with difficulties some additional human or physical aids to participate. ’ Under the Special Education Needs and Disability Act (SENDA) 2001, all educational establishments must not treat students less favourably than others and make reasonable adjustments to ensure that their learners are not substantially disadvantaged. Learning Environment An accessible and safe learning environment is vital for inclusive learning to take place. The premises that XXXXXX XXXXXX occupy are located on the second and third floor of a listed building. There are no lifts and there is a staircase leading up to the main reception. Under the Disability Discrimination Act, there is a requirement to make reasonable adjustment to be able to ensure those students with a mobility disability are not excluded. XXXXXXhave made contingency plans whereby they use the premises within a local college as and when required. SENDA 2001 states that students should be able to access all services provided for other students. In this case, the local college offers all the facilities and services we offer our students. Taking this into consideration, reasonable adjustments have been made. Access for all In order to give strategic direction to inclusive learning, Smith and Armstrong (2005, p1) state ‘providers need to adopt a co-ordinated approach to inclusive learning, working with different groups, genders and levels of learners’. These is achieved ongoing within XXXXXX XXXXX. There is no discrimination on the grounds of gender or sexual orientation within XXXXXX XXXXXX and therefore XXXXXXcomply with all aspects of the Sex Discrimination Act 1975. Our learners come from mixed race, religion and in order to ensure that we accommodate these learners, all staff receive multifaith calendars to ensure that they can manage their learning over religious or cultural holidays. As we are funded for a 14-19 age provision, we cannot offer learning to anyone outside this age range. This is a limitation by DCELLS. Should anyone outside this age range require the same type of education and training, there are other training providers where they can be signposted. McGivney (2003) guidelines suggest that people with disabilities, ex-offenders, low paid unqualified workers, male manual workers, unemployed groups, rural residents, women with young children, homeless and those from ethnic minority groups may have problems in participating in organised learning activities. (DCSF, 2008) states ‘9% of young people aged 16-19 are Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET). As part of the ‘Every Child Matters Agenda’ their aim is to break down the barriers to achievement and provide opportunities for those disengaged from learning. This agenda intends to ensure that programmes have been set up to identify children and young adults at risk and promote early intervention. According to the 14-19 Education and Skills White Paper ‘those with learning difficulties are twice as likely to become NEET’. XXXXXX XXXXXX have recently established street based youth work teams; across communities in south Wales, working with partner organisations to engage some of the hardest to reach young people; And to progress them onto positive development opportunities in their own communities. The current teams are a pilot and are hoping to expand the project into other geographic and sector communities. XXXXXX XXXXXX are also establishing links to deliver full and part time extended curriculum services in schools for 14-18 year olds across Wales, providing support for young people in the youth justice system; establishing a youth drop in facilities at many centres and expanding the street based youth work. XXXXXXare also in community cohesion work particularly in areas with a large European migrant youth communities and those with a migrant non-welsh speaking community within Welsh speaking indigenous communities. XXXXXXis piloting development of youth volunteering in under-represented groups. Taking all this into consideration, it shows the effort that is being made in order to provide inclusive learning to those students who are at risk of becoming NEET. Inclusive Learning in Initial Assessment According to Green and Bartram 1998, p7) ‘Early and effective assessment of students’ requirements is critical to the concept of inclusive learning. There are three stages to the initial assessment process within the organisation. Prior to a learner joining they go through an initial assessment process. This begins with an informal interview following an endorsement from Careers Wales. In this interview, it allows the organisation time to carry out an informal assessment and identify individual learning needs. On entry, basic skills initial assessments and a VARK learning styles questionnaire are completed. From this process, an Individual Learning Plan (ILP) is written that is specific to the needs of the learner which will identify individual goals. Green and Bartram (1998. p10) outline that in order to achieve best practice; there should be ‘a common and shared understanding of the purpose of initial assessment’. Through discussion with staff and observations of the initial assessment process, it is evident that this there is a thorough initial assessment process which allows many opportunities to identify any individual needs and preferences. Following this process, if a learner is identified as having a literacy or numeracy need, diagnostic assessment is carried out. Learners have the opportunity to do these either by paper based methods or using Information Technology (IT). The results of this assessment then produce an Individual Learning Plan that is specific to the learners literacy and/or numeracy needs and takes into consideration any special arrangements that may be required. Inclusive learning in the classroom If there has been an individual need identified through initial assessment, it is at this point XXXXXX XXXXXX are reactive as appose to being proactive. For those with physical disabilities, arrangements are made to support them. As previously discussed there is a lack of facilities within the centres to support learners with a disability affecting mobility and this is taken into consideration when careers signpost learners. Apart from this, Rooms are bright, well ventilated and are small enough to be able to accommodate those with minor hearing or visual impairments. When considering students who are deaf and hard of hearing, XXXXXXdo not have a strategy in place for dealing with those who require specialist support including lip speakers, sign language interpreters and speech to text reporters. Although many learners who require this support often plan their own support requirements. To ensure inclusion in the classroom, it should be considered when planning lessons. Once the aims and objectives have been decided, it is then important to consider the needs and previous experiences of the learners’. At this stage, you can consider if there are any adjustments that can be made to ensure that the lesson is inclusive Open University Press (2006). This could be large print handouts, varied teaching strategies, practical tasks as appose to written, aural or visual methods and where possible, taking into account multi sensory learning. When carrying out questioning in the classroom, there was very good use of reinforcement techniques to consolidate learning. Although tutors encouraged all members of the group to participate, this was done in such a way that no learners felt uncomfortable. When this was necessary (e. g. a speaking and listening task) it was managed in a positive way to recognise individual needs. If learners need support with basic skills, subject specific tutors (NVQ, Key Skills) liaise with the Basic Skills Tutor to organise extra support in addition to their literacy and/or numeracy classes. If the learner has a learning difficulty that affects concentration, extra comfort breaks can be given and short activities should also be planned that vary in teaching strategy to keep learners engaged. At present, DCELLS are working towards converged basic and key skills. This initiative should have encourage a more standard approach as qualifications will be delivered in a different training and staff will be required to update their CPD. Practices vary depending on the experience of individual tutors within XXXXXX XXXXXX. When observing a key skills session, a tutor suggested to her group that it would be advantage to take notes whilst completing practical activities. On her lesson plan, she had shown inclusive practices by suggesting a Basic Skills Tutor could offer support with both reading and note taking if required. In terms of the use of classroom assistants or support workers, this is the only instance that in class support is offered due to staffing levels within the organisation. The majority of tutors promote equal opportunities practices by having notes available at the end of the lesson for all learners. Others show inclusive learning techniques by issuing gapped handouts at the beginning of the lesson to support those with individual needs. This later method allows those learners who have lack of confidence in groups, those with hearing difficulties or partial sight a greater chance of achieving the objectives set from the lesson. Experienced staff uses assistive technology in the classroom such as coloured acetate, worksheets on coloured paper or magnifying equipment to support learners when reading books, but once again staff training is needed to ensure consistency throughout the organisation. Smith and Armstrong (2005) suggest providers should make sure that CPD and staff training supports structures and systems implemented to deliver the inclusive learning agenda. Through discussion with staff, it is evident that staff members have little knowledge of how to support learners with Dyslexia, Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) and other learning and behavioural needs. Therefore staff CPD needs to be updated and staff training offered. Having observed a selection of basic skills sessions, I have seen differentiation being managed very well within the classroom. There are isolated cases where worksheets have been the main teaching strategy due to the diverse nature of the group but the main reason for this is the need for staff development and training. Within sessions, individuals show good inclusive learning techniques when giving feedback. They are constructive and give praise for what has been done well and avoid being negative to learners. For those who have physical disabilities, there is IT equipment available such as specialist mouse and the ability to increase the font size on the majority of programmes used. If there is a need for out of class support, this is also available from the training assessors responsible for the individual learners. Individual training assessors are encouraged to spend time with all learners to build a rapport and encourage them to discuss any individual learning needs. These persons are trained to signpost for guidance and counselling if required. Assessment Once learning has taken place, there are various methods of assessment that are used. Within basic skills, learners are given a choice of completing assignments which are paper based or tests that can be taken using IT. For those who have to submit a portfolio, they are given the option of using IT to produce their work. There are also dictaphones available to record case studies, professional discussions or oral questioning as appose to written questions. These strategies in place show differentiation for individual needs are being considered. As well as the usual methods of assessment, learners also get a review which is carried out every four weeks. In this review, their progress is monitored and feedback is given on their performance. The Tomlinson Report (1996) shows us that monitoring progress and providing effective feedback contributes to effective inclusive teaching. Within their basic skills support sessions, further feedback is also given as part of their literacy/numeracy ILP. All learners at the end of their visits are given a Training And Support Log (TASL) which gives them feedback on any work produced. Conclusion Following this investigation, I have reached the conclusion that the organisation is reactive as appose to proactive with regard to inclusive learning. As a training provider, XXXXXX XXXXXX are genuinely non-selective about the learners who complete a programme. Many of the learners face a number of obstacles to engaging in learning including low educational attainment, a lack of basic and/or personal skills, caring obligations, homelessness, lack of self belief, confidence and self worth. Despite this, over 70% of the young people that are supported leave with a positive outcome. The 14-19 Education and Skills White Paper state that 12. 5% of the NEET group have learning difficulties and/or disabilities. If XXXXXXtraining wishes to continue aiming to offer inclusive learning and reduce this NEET cohort, there is a need to train staff by offering CPD in inclusive learning and ways of developing an inclusive learning strategy within the learner process. There are different teaching approaches within the organisation. (Tilstone et al. ,1998, p. 6) states ‘a key issue in promoting inclusive practice must be a reappraisal of the training provided to teachers and other professionals’ From my observations, I feel that this is an accurate assumption to make. I have been able to observe many sessions over a period of time and have seen that tutors need training on how to incorporate inclusive learning strategies within their lesson plan. Smith and Armstrong (2005) also discuss how providers should establish a strategy for sharing best practice within an organisation. XXXXXXhave meetings for every subject route on a quarterly basis. Although this is an excellent way of sharing best practice, inclusive learning should be listed as an agenda item to ensure that it gets the attention it requires. Although everything is done during the learner process to ensure that equal opportunities and diversity are managed, XXXXXXhave a bullying and harassment procedure in place and also a grievance procedure that prospective, current and past learners can instigate if they wish. From carrying out research into inclusive learning within XXXXXX XXXXXX, it has been shown that on the whole, a lot of work goes in to meeting the individual needs of the learner and offering a positive learner experience. Having now completed this research, it has made me aware of the financial restraints of the organisation. I feel that I will carry out my role as ATP differently when training staff and mentoring. When working towards curriculum design, I will also ask myself the question â€Å" How can I make it more inclusive? † and from this, I feel that this has played a big part in my CPD. Bibliography †¢ACCESS UNIT. (2006, December 18). Access Unit – Making Information Accessible to Disabled Students. Retrieved December 8, 2008, from University of Bristol: http://www.bristol. ac. uk/accessunit/disabilityinfo/accessible33. html †¢ADAMS, M. , & BROWN, S. (2006). Towards Inclusive Learning in Higher Education. London: Routledge . †¢BLOOMER, M. , & HODKINSON, P. (1997). Moving into FE: The voice of the learner. London: Further Education Development Agency (FEDA). †¢CLOUGH, P. (1998). Managing Inclusive Education. From Policy to Experience. London: Sage. †¢CSIE. (2008, April 30). About Inclusion. Retrieved December 15, 2008, from Centre For Studies On Inclusive Education: http://inclusion. uwe. ac. uk/csie/csiefaqs. htm †¢DCSF . (2008, July 02). Education, Training, Employment. Retrieved December 10, 2008, from Department for Children, Schools and Families. http://www. dcsf. gov. uk/14-19/index. cfm? go=home&sid=26 †¢Every Child Matters: (2008, July 02) Change for children: Retrieved December 15, 2008, from Every Child Matters http://www. everychildmatters. gov. uk/ete/ †¢FEFC. (1996). Inclusive FE: Report of the Further Education Funding Council Learning Difficulties and/or Disabilities Committee CSIE Summary. Bristol: Centre for Studies on Inclusive Education (CSIE). †¢GREEN, M.a. (1998). Initial Assessment To Identify Learning Needs. London: Further Education Development Agency (FEDA). †¢LEARNING AND SKILLS DEVELOPMENT AGENCY. (2002). Access For All. London: DFES. †¢MCGIVNEY, V. (2003). Working With Excluded Groups. Leicester: National Institute of Adult Continuing Education. †¢OPEN UNIVERSITY PRESS . (2006, December 30). Inclusive Teaching. Retrieved December 12, 2008, from Open University Press: http://www. open. ac. uk/inclusiveteaching †¢SMITH, V. , & ARMSTRONG, A. (2005). Beyond Prejudice; Inclusive Learning in Practice. London: Learning and Skills Development Agency. †¢TILSTONE, C. , FLORIAN, L. , & ROSE, R. (1998). Promoting Inclusive Practice. London: Routledge Falmer. †¢WELSH ASSEMBLY GOVERNMENT. (2008, September 29). Delivering Skills that Work for Wales: A new approach to adult community learning. Consultation Document 057/2008 . Caerphilly: Department for Children, Education, Lifelong Learning and Skills. †¢What is SENDA 2001? (2007, January 22). Retrieved December 13, 2008, from Hobo: http://www. hobo-web. co. uk/tips/12. htm.

Employee Portfolio: Motivation Action Plan Essay

Motivation Action Plan Determine the motivational strategy or strategies that would likely be most appropriate for each of your three employees on basis of their individual characteristics. Indicate how you would leverage their employee evaluations to motivate each of the three employees. Describe one or more of the motivational theories and explain how the theories connect to each of your selected motivational strategies. Kellen has a high level of both positive emotions and | | | | |emotional intelligence, which allows him to be deliberate in his| | | | |decision-making. Motivational strategies for Kellen should | | | |include both intrinsic and extrinsic incentives such as | | | | |supporting his growth and development within the organization | | | | |and providing recognition where due. Maintaining an interesting | | | | |work environment for Kellen as well as allowing him some freedom| | | | |of choice where decisions are concerned will maintain his high | | | | |level of job satisfaction and motivation. | |Preston |Preston has a strong ability to stay focused and |Preston’s Overall performance rating is low and requires change | Goal-Setting Theory | | |remain on task and finishes projects on time. |in many areas. Preston has a high level of negative emotions | | | |Preston is overall dissatisfied with his job. In |that may be the cause to his blended style in regard to | | | |order for Preston to feel accomplished he must stay |effective decision-making. These negative emotions have resulted| | | |on a project and have something to stay focused on. in a high level of dissatisfaction with his job. Based on his | | | |We will create a plan for Preston that includes |assessment results, Preston also has trouble regulating his | | | |having an alternative work arrangement in place. For|emotions. This may be the direct cause to his overall job | | | |Preston we will create a core list with times so |dissatisfaction. Strategies in increase motivation and job | | | |that he can have something to focus on visually. dissatisfaction with Preston may include openly recognizing his | | | | |accomplishments as well as including his in some sort of job | | | | |rotation. Preston’s dissatisfaction may just be the result of | | | | |â€Å"overroutinization. By allowing Preston to rotate jobs, the | | | | |company may discover an area that suits his skills and knowledge| | | | |better; ultimately increasing his motivation and satisfaction | | | | |levels. | |Bambi |Bambi is overall satisfied in the work place. She is|Bambi has a strong ability to stay engaged despite her job |Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory | | |usually able to evaluate and express feelings. Bambi|dissatisfaction. We will need to create a position in which she | | | |is thorough and deliberate in her actions bringing |is challenged mentally so there is not time to focus on her | | | |forth positive outcomes. Bambi has worked hard to |emotions. We will need to keep her involved with different | | | |keep motivated to reach the goals of the company. programs so that she has the opportunity to benefit and grow | | | |She works well when she sets tasks and goals to work|from her job position | | | |towards. | | |

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Aim in becoming an engineer and your Career

When we are young, one of those questions that we hear from almost every adult that we encounter, especially from those who work, is â€Å"What do you like to be when you grow up?† Remember that most may say, â€Å"I want to be this or that or like my mother or like my father and many other else†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Though we were young then, we are all starting to know the value of dream or career.If you’re asking for my plan or the same question as the adults ask in my first paragraph, I would answer you that I am now aiming to be an engineer or I want engineering to be my career. You may have different reactions when I say that but it is just a matter of choice and all of us are have that right.To be an engineer, I must study the prerequisites of entering college. First, I should finish my high school and then enroll in a university or college and acquire an engineering course, a mechanical, industrial or civil engineering may do.Anyway, engineers abide by a simple law and the only thing that makes each of them distinct from one another is the nature of the results. For example, chemical engineers end products are chemical products, electrical engineering are for electricity-related machines or equipments which work hand-in-hand with the mechanical engineers.Today, the engineering sector has many branches and each of them have their own expertise. After passing the course, I must take the licensure exam to be an engineer if it is needed. Otherwise, I will not be professionally called as engineer by my name or don’t have a title before my first name.What’s really special about being an engineer is having a wide knowledge and expertise on one specific thing I want. Knowing the in and out of that thing is really amazing. If a have a computer, as an engineer I will know its components, the materials used, software available for the unit and even the appropriate price so that the public will buy the computer.In short, engineers usually know every detail of something he or she is really interested about.Well, the knowledge I will gain is only one of the reasons why I aim to be an engineer. Another thing is really on their purpose in fulfilling their job. For me, engineers also are public servant and are not only confined with their commercial purposes.Though some may think that I want to be an engineer because it is well paid, well, think again. I know that we, in our career, always want to help others. Take a civil engineer for example. Most civil engineers are government employees.They are imparting their knowledge in construction to build hospitals, schools, bridges, gate arcs, government buildings and many other infrastructures that are of great use for us. If not for them, we cannot be assure that we are safe when crossing bridges or walking by parks or towers. If not for them, community development is not possible.Lastly, I believe that without them, each of them, every kind of them, society will be more of a bore . Basically, they give foundations of everything, almost everything that we saw in a society or a city in particular are works of science and art – or simply work of engineers. I may say that they are the builders of a civilization.Dreams are made mostly to guide us in our way of pursuing our life. The question, â€Å"What do I like to be when I grow up?† is a big start in shaping the life we want someday.Having a career in mind is really important so that we will now what all of our sufferings in life will bring us to. All we need to do is to focus our eyes in our aim – in my case, I should focus my eyes on my aim to become an engineer and do my best to make that my career.ReferencesReally†¦what IS an engineer? Retrieved July 1, 2007 from academics/ub/news/learning/engineer05.phpEngineer, is it you? Retrieved July 1, 2007 from students/engineer/what.html

Norm Violation Essay

Brenda Mora 4 October 2011 SOC 101-3003 Norm Violation Exercise The norm violation exercise that I decided to experiment with was invasion of space. My plan was to go up to random people in small groups of three or four and ask one of them for help, thank them, hug them, and walk away; my friend thought it sounded like fun so he volunteered to perform the encounters. If somebody I didn’t know came up and hugged me for no apparent reason I would most likely think they were either weird or drunk. For this reason I decided to do this particular experiment.Most of the people my friend hugged did not react in the way I predicted. I decided to carry out the experiment at the Wal-Mart on Charleston and Decatur since it’s close to where we both live and it is never scarce in people. We enacted the experiment in different sections of the store since there were more dense amounts of people in certain areas. The areas where we performed the experiment were in the electronics depar tment, the home decorations department, the food section, and the cash register section.The electronics department had plenty of people, males in particular, I was especially eager to see the feedback of the men in this section since my friend is a guy. The home decorations department had plenty of females; the food and cash register sections had a mixture of both genders. The first person we approached was a male Wal-Mart sales associate arranging phone displays in the electronics department. We both went up to him and my friend asked him where the exercising equipment was located, he responded and pointed us in the direction, as I walked my friend thanked him and gave him a big bear hug.The sales associate let my friend hug him, patted his back, laughed, and starred at us in an awkward manner as we left. He didn’t have much reaction to my friend hugging him. It didn’t seem to have bothered him, as soon as we left he simply returned to his work. The second encounter i nvolved a man with his wife and son and what seemed to be one of their friends or relative which also occurred in the electronics department. My friend went up to them as I stood behind a magazine rack and he asked the woman’s husband if he could point him in the direction of the clothing department.The man gave my friend directions and just as he was returning to the conversation between his friend and wife, my friend quickly put his arms around the slightly large man and embraced him for about three seconds before he let go, thanked him, and walked away. As my friend walked away I noticed the man simply and quickly returned to his conversation as if nothing had happened. His wife and friend starred at my friend as he walked away and laughed as if they still couldn’t believe what had just happened.The third and fourth group of people that we encountered took place in the home decorations section of the store. Both groups were all women; one group consisted of two wome n and the other group of three young women. The first group of two women seemed to have been a mother and a middle aged daughter, my friend approached the women and asked for their opinion on an item, the daughter answered him but before she could go back to her business he hugged her, I noticed a frightened expression on her face and my friend told me he noticed she held on to her mother’s arm as he hugged her.The second group of women were also asked for their opinion on a Halloween decoration, the girl told my friend what she thought and before she could get back to her business he hugged her. One of the two girls with her asked her if she knew him and the other girl laughed and starred at my friend, the girl herself couldnt believed it and she even blushed a bit.The fifth and sixth encounter took place in the food and cash register section with a distinct group of people; the first was a family of three consisting of a husband, wife and child and the second of two female Wal-Mart sales associates surrounded by people in line waiting to pay for their groceries. The family of three were choosing their food when my friend approached the husband and asked him if he could reach something from the top shelf for him since he was exceedingly tall, the man gladly agreed and my friend thanked him and quickly hugged him.The wife laughed while the child took no notice and as my friend walked away the man stopped him and said â€Å"Your welcome, man†, this was the first time anybody had responded to his action. The second group of females at the cash register were helping customers when my friend approached them and asked for help, one of them gave him directions and began about her business when he hugged her, she laughed and went back to what she was doing.However, her co-worker did not approve and gave my friend a cold stare as he walked away, the people waiting in line laughed for three seconds, gave a few stares, and went back to their business. The last group of people were two males, an older and younger brother who were testing out video games in the electronics section. My friend walked up, stood next to them and asked for their opinion on a video game, the older boy answered my friend and as soon as he finished my friend hugged him and quickly walked away.As he walked away I observed the younger boys face which expressed how much he couldn’t believe it, the older boy didn’t laugh at first but then he came around, shook his head, laughed and walked away. My friend said that as he hugged the boy he went stiff and said â€Å"whoa†, as if he tried to tell him to back off, but no words could come out. This boys reaction was my favorite because the expression on his face said let me go but at the same time he seemed scared as if my friend would hurt him if he said anything.This experiment was interesting because of all of the different reactions that I saw. I did not expect for most of the reactions to resul t in the same way. I hoped for somebody to speak up and ask what my friend’s problem was but nobody seemed to care much. The only reactions that truly caught my attention were the three females where one of them blushed and the group with the older and younger brother where the older brother tried to speak up but couldn’t. Besides a few cold stares, there were no severe consequences.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Comparison and Contrast Essay of Two video games

Now a days technology become too much advance. Some of the greatest improvements in new technology have been the creation of computer games. In the present century lots of children’s play computer games. For children’s games have become a luxury more than a need. This demand is increasing for develop new and advance games. Similar there is a Rockstar Industries, they develop video games likewise Grand Theft Auto 3 and Grand Theft Auto: Vice City. These game two games are most famous.First of all Grand Theft Auto 3 release on October, 2001 developed by DMA Design in United Kingdom and publish by Rockstar Games. This game is a first 3D game in the series of Grand Theft Auto. First it was release for PlayStations later on PC Xbox. Moreover GTA 3 also develops for Apple App store and Android devices. On other hand Grand Theft Auto vice city release on October 29, 2002 developed and as well as publish by Rockstar Games in United Kingdom. GTA Vice city is second 3D game in th e series of Grand Theft Auto.It also releases for Playstation later on PC Xbox. But now it also realease for Apple App store and Android devices. Moreover, Grand Theft Auto 3 game graphic not much as compare as Grand Theft Auto vice city it is too dark. GTA3 player can’t spend his money on purchasing properties and make money from them. And it has better missions and vehicles but in smaller numbers, such as cars, trucks, train, some boat are not used much. GTA vice city have too much colorful graphic and players enjoy too much, once they played vice city they unlike GTA 3.In Grand Theft Auto Vice City player can spend his money on purchasing properties and make money from them. And more missions and vehicles, such as new shaped cars, bikes, helicopter, planes, and more useful boat. Furthermore, GTA3 System Requirements for players are should have Pentium 3 or 4, and need 450 MHz plus 128MB RAM. And 16 MB direct 3D Video Card, Sound Card, 8X CD-ROM and 500MB free hard disk spa ce should need.GTA Vice City System Requirements for players are should have 800 MHz Intel Pentium 3 or 4, and want 1.2GHz plus 128 MB of RAM, 8 speed CD / DVD drive, plus 32 MB direct 3D Video Card, Sound Card as well as 915 MB of free hard disk space. Mostly people say that GTA Vice City the better than GTA 3. Because in gta vice city has more missions and it also have good graphic more vehicles etc. GTA Vice City is more interesting game than GTA . 3 Today generation like these games very much, it look like real live game. And it have look of thing to do. For Instance, you can do racing, fighting shoot driving swimming and lot of things.

Niccol Machiavelli and Lao-Tzu Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Niccol Machiavelli and Lao-Tzu - Essay Example Machiavelli and Lao-Tzu both present their perspectives differently and intelligently. On the topic of characters of a leader, Machiavelli presents well-built judgments as to in which way a ruler should act when in power. He notes down about whether it is great to be feared or loved, eventually arriving to a close that a leader must be dreaded in order to govern his people. This brings about the opinion that the leader loved by the citizens is not working as expected. Machiavelli gives strong convictions in his writing of the prince who he gives the need to control. He recommends a stern leader to be stern, maintaining and obtaining power. In his presentation, he depicts a power hungry leader. He evidently employs the argumentation rhetorical strategy to depict the qualities of the prince. This he expects the citizens to be loyal to. He explains responsibility, bad and good reputations, and being well informed in history and military. This is among the instances that he depicts a pos itive attitude towards the essential goodness of the citizens. He has a strong stand that a leader desires to be alleged to be powerful and strong. Machiavelli presents a leadership style in which the leader takes credit for all good in the government. He presents the argument that it is essential to not appear feeble to others, particularly the people. This brings clearly how his point of view shades his understanding of the relationship between government and the people. The prince does not trust his people, and his role is evidently, a dictator. Lao-Tzu’s view on the qualities of a leader is exceptionally dissimilar to that of Machiavelli’s. His suggestion of a leader is moral, modest and compassionate. He insists that a leader ought to be treasured by his citizens. This presents the idea that Machiavelli has positive attitude towards the essential goodness of the citizens. There is a complete assumption that the citizens will show this goodness in return. In the pr ince Niccolo employs political rhetoric. This is a rhetorical strategy used to convince an individual to adopt a viewpoint. He gives an exact detail of all the things the prince must do in order to be successful. This type of rhetorical strategies is similar to Socrates. By this, Machiavelli warns about political rhetoric and at the same time employs it to his advantage. In another instance, he warns about flattery and at the same time employs it to refer to the Medicis. Lao Tzu, on the other hand, employs religious rhetoric that are based on the beliefs of the Tao. This is present when he refers to the Tao in some instances. The Tao explains that when an individual does nothing every other thing falls into place. In an example, in the Tao-te Ching Lao-tzu affirms that if a leader wants to be a remarkable then they must learn to pursue the Tao, desist from trying to

Friday, September 27, 2019

Explain how understanding culture can clarify and affect the reading Essay

Explain how understanding culture can clarify and affect the reading of a text - Essay Example In doing this, culture affects and often clarifies the reading of such texts as is portrayed in the analysis of Oedipus and The Iliad below. The two are among the greatest literatures of the ancient Greek. The literatures capture various cultural features of the ancient Greek societies and therefore require an understanding of the early Greek culture to comprehend. The Iliad for example is set during the Trojan War (Homer 23). War was a central cultural feature that enabled societies to interact as they resolved their conflicts. The ambience of wars at the time was different from the contemporary wars. As a cultural feature, understanding the nature of the ancient Greek wars enables an audience understand the book since the wars would clarify the types of weapons the people used and the severity of the wars. The epic poem voices tales of clashes and the events preceding the war. The quarrels between King Agamemnon and Achilles help portray the cultural feature of the ancient Greek societies. Another cultural trait in the tragedy Oedipus the King is prophecy. Set in the ancient Greek society the mythology portrays the effects of prophecies in an individual’s life. The prophecies were vital aspects of life since they affected the lives of everyone including the King (Sophocles 12). The portrayal of prophecy presents an ultimate conflict in the story between the will and destiny. As such, understanding the ancient Greek culture becomes essential in understanding the story. The prophecy in the story clarifies the actions of Oedipus who accidentally kills his parents thereby fulfilling the prophecy. The act leads to other subsequent occurrences the play. Culture helps clarify relationship between the events thus implying that culture helps develop the conflict that sustains the story. The role of an Individual in the course of destiny is a theme in both ancient books. Additionally, the authors portray harsh societies in both books a feature that

AppLIED 3000 word Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

AppLIED 3000 word - Essay Example The report also includes a proposed budget for the year 2010-11 which will help to give an idea about the decisions taken by the management to improve the situation. Hard cash or liquid cash is required by any business organization to survive or to run successfully. Normally, most of the companies keep a lump sum amount of cash at their disposal for the daily expenses of the business. It ensures the smooth running of daily business operations. But, the financials of Cyclermate Ltd gives a shocking picture. There is only 675 pounds of hard cash left in the bank. With such a meager amount as its savings the company cannot even run a single day’s operation. The company is on the verge of close down. Mismanaged budget, uncontrolled cost and lack of proper supervision have lead to such a dismal situation. It is clear from the income statements of the last five years that selling price and total sales of the articles have gone down while total costs have shown a steady rise. The financial ratios also bring out the same poor condition of the company. The company’s Acid Ratio which is the relationship between the current assets (stocks not included) and current liabilities is 0.76:1. The Acid Ratio of 0.76:1 shows that the company will not be able to any financial problems nor needs that may rise in the near future (Netmba, 2010). The relationship between revenues and total assets is known as Asset Turnover Ratio. This company has an Asset Turnover Ratio of 2.06:1. The main reason for this ratio to be so high is the poor profit margin. There is also a possibility that the company is following a faulty a pricing strategy for its products. From the income statement of the past five years the return on capital employed is calculated as low as 0.11. The company is getting only a return of 11% on the capital it is employing which is not at all satisfactory. The debtors to the company generally

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Statistical concepts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Statistical concepts - Essay Example Regression has diverse applications in my professional life and an understanding of factors to team work is one of the scopes in which it can be applied. This is because of the skills ability to develop models of relationships among variables (Ott and Longnecker, 2010). I have also improved on my descriptive statistics skills, skills that relate to identification of main features of a data set. Major improvements are application of statistical software to facilitate computation of the statistics, and differences between the statistics and their corresponding parameters. Descriptive statistics skills such as ability to compute and interpret mode and standard deviation is applicable to understanding trends of occurrences in my daily life activities such as time spent on traffic, and time and money spent on leisure over a period of time. The skill is then applicable in budgeting for efficient utility and conservation of resources in my personal life. Like regression analysis skills, des criptive statistics skills are applicable in problem solution towards passing examinations that test the skills, either directly or indirectly. The skills are also applicable in understanding data in professional scopes towards effective managerial decisions. I have also developed competence in skills related to test of hypothesis, a concept that evaluates validity of occurrences. Even though they have limited application in my personal life because precision is not a necessity, the skills are important in ensuring accurate decisions in professional decisions, such as effectiveness of training on employees, and helps in passing examinations that test related concepts (Ott and Longnecker, 2010). Probability and sampling are concepts whose skills I... Statistical concepts This paper discuses some of the concepts and their possible roles in my personal life, my academics, and my professional life. The course has been instrumental to my knowledge of mathematical skills through introducing me to new concepts and helping me to review previously learnt concepts. Some of the skills that I have acquired or improved on during the course are skills on regression analysis, descriptive statistics, and test of hypothesis. Regression analysis is a mathematical skill for estimating relationships among variables and ascertaining significance of the relationships. It develops models of best fit for relationships by estimating coefficients of independent variables. With an established model, a dependent variable can be estimated, provided values of its associated independent variables are known. The mathematical technique helps in understanding relationships and in forecasting. In my personal life, regression analysis is fundamental to understanding categories of my e xpenditures and their respective burden on my total expenditure. Explored on from periodic expenditures, the skill can help me to understand expenditure categories that are significant to my total expenditures and the degree of significance of each category. This can then help me to review my preferences and align my expenditures to reflect on my preferences and needs. The skills are applicable to decision making processes in my personal and professional lives, and aid my academic competence.

Life of Taking Risks Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Life of Taking Risks - Essay Example In a real sense, risk-taking may provide an excellent opportunity for changing a life. Many successful stories of businesspersons, for example, tell how a significant risk is, to the overall prosperity. Therefore, it is crucial to understand, the benefits of taking a risk, when to take the risk, how, or even the challenges of taking a risk, as this paper will try to illustrate. By nature, the risk is scary and sends fear in many people. It exposes a person to uncertainties since it is difficult to tell what the results may be. On the other hand, equals a walk into unpredictable vastness where anything can happen, even the loss of life. There are many scenarios in life that involve risk-taking. While others are explicit, some simple, daily life things are hard to notice. When a person laughs, that person risks the perception to be a fool. When a person exposes his or her feelings, there is the risk of exposing the true self. Loving a person, on the other hand, is a risk since it is no t necessary to get love in return. Ultimately, living in this world is risking death. All these examples are primarily, meant to illustrate the sheer fact that life is full of risks to take. However, the question that should follow is, ‘Should risk be taken?’ Benefits of Risk Taking To get a life of desire, it is imperative to take positive risks. It is also equally beneficial to plan on how to take those risks. Negative risks are typically impulsive and driven by emotions. Before making a positive risk, it is necessary to take time to weigh events of risk-taking and its significance. The series of thoughtful events made before taking a risk act as a cushion from unnecessary and unforeseen repercussions. Firstly, risk-taking gives an opportunity to explore the talents and abilities of a person.  

Research in Sensys and competitor analysis Essay - 1

Research in Sensys and competitor analysis - Essay Example al Travel Time Solution which is â€Å"the first solution to overcome these complications (on arterial roadways) and deliver dependable arterial travel time and volume data while not presenting any privacy concerns† (Sensys Networks, Inc. ). Sensys Networkc Inc is located at 2560 Ninth Street, Suite 219 Berkeley, CA 94710. The company provides contacts to their different departments such as a dealer, a human resource representatives, sales representatives and technical support representatives. Because the nature of the business’ products are so new and innovative, there are not a great deal of competitors in this marketplace. One major competitor is the Southwest Research Institute, who is involved in developing, implementation, and maintenance of similar traffic-related technologies, such as their Intelligent Transportation System (ITS). This research institute has been developing ITS technologies and other support systems since 1992, giving them somewhat of a competitive edge when it comes to development of such innovative software. This represents a threat to Sensys Networks, as with the growth of federal interest in the deployment of ITS software, Sensys Networks must develop more quality marketing to make their own ITS products and other traffic-related software systems more competitive in pricing and in offering support and maintenance of these systems. The Intelligent Transport Systems Society is composed of those that utilize â€Å"synergistic technologies and systems engineering concepts to develop and improve transportation systems of all kinds† ( Intelligent Transportation Systems Society). The ITSS works hand in hand with the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). Together with IEEE, ITSS sponsors conferences and symposium on electrical and electronics engineering and information technologies. Apparently, the ITS-IEEE partnership is still on the rise as they continuously sponsor conferences until 2009. The IEEE is also considered

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Management Styles in the Criminal Justice System Assignment

Management Styles in the Criminal Justice System - Assignment Example Introduction There are three management systems in use in the Justice System and at any given time, one component of a particular system may be more evident than another system, dependent on the circumstances, It is important to note each system and what its components are in order to see how they work together in the best infrastructure possible. When one component is lacking, then this can also cause a problem along the administrative chain. 1. There are three types of management styles in the criminal justice system: Scientific Management, Human Relations Management and Systems Management. The Scientific Management, first instituted by Frederick W. Taylor, was the first to develop and institute this efficiency process which concerned how to get the best out of workers in a manufacturing business and boost production. A formal level of administrative infrastructure is installed which relates to authority, chain of command, the span of control and division of labor (Peak 2010). The implementation of such a system, particularly when applied to the Justice administrative system through POSDCORB (planning, organizing, staffing, directing, coordinating, reporting and budgeting), rarely addressed the human component of the workers (Peak 2010; Dempsey & Forst 2013). This led to a sense of depersonalization of the job for most workers, a rather robotic method of working which was not fulfilling. For many, getting a salary was important but it was not the whole picture as to why they were in the law enforcement profession. In Human Relations Management, the worker faces a more social environment at work that relates to being part of a group. In some aspects, it could be considered the family away from home in that everyone looks out for the other person and that it is more team-orientated within a job aspect (Peak 2010). In this respect, those management employees who were centered more on their employees and morale, rather than only quotas and production, achieved mo re with the department as a whole. Workers felt they could also make suggestions for better efficiency in operations as they were on the front row of things in the field. Yet, with the lack of emphasis on production, employees tended to want more while achieving less overall. In Systems Management, which began implementation in the 1960s, components of both previous systems were incorporated into the Systems Management infrastructure, thus addressing the human component, along with achieving goals and production levels, that were necessary for measuring success (or failure) in any department. Systems Management is based on the works of four people: Douglas McGregor (theory of human motivation), Abraham Maslow (hierarchy of needs), and Robert Blake and Jane Mouton (managerial grid). The grid centered on tasking and on people within systems management. The overall concept of systems management, according to these four people, was that managers also understand the needs of other groups and people as they affected his own group and to also understand and cope with conflict and adjustments from changes (Peak 2010). 2. The most useful style of management is the Systems Management because it incorporates the best of the previous two systems. The ability to create the organized infrastructure that will produce results within an administrated work map, as well as

Overcoming Terrorist Issues Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Overcoming Terrorist Issues - Essay Example Thousands of people could have been affected and even killed if the terrorists had carried out their plan. The terrorists do not plan on only using physical weapons in public places. They have also decided to use biological terrorism by sending viruses into public areas. An example comes from the office of Tom Daschle, when the noted Anthrax virus was sent out in the mail. While nobody at the office was affected by this, it does help to underline the fear of a biological agent being released into society. Biological agents have been a known means of warfare and have been in existence for some time. For example, when the Cold War was in effect, both the United States and the Soviet Union had developed means of biological warfare. One that is currently largely feared to be used by the terrorists is the concept of botulism. Botulism, which is a very harsh form of food poisoning, could be spread among the agriculture of the United States and could thus cause widespread sickness and panic in the country (Medicine, n.d.). The terrorists could easily use both large scale and small scale concepts to spread this disease if they choose to. It has been widely admitted by the United States and many doctors that work in America that the country is not prepared for any large scale attack of biological warfare (Yungher, 2008). ... Since botulism is such an ardent fear and such a horrible disease, the only way to overcome it and to avoid a widespread panic would be to develop vaccinations against it (Center for Disease Control, n.d.). Furthermore, the vaccinations would have to be readily available and inexpensive for individuals to afford. Therefore, the government will have to put up its own money in order to invest in the wellness of its people. This will be important for assisting and protecting the Americans against any kind of biological attack, or biological warfare. Botulism is one of the most marked fears when it comes to biological terrorism, but other diseases are also causes for concern. Therefore, the government should fund a program that will focus on finding remedies for agents that might be used in a case of biological warfare. This department should also make sure that enough medicine is available if a wide crisis does ensue. Preparation for this kind of panic is one of the best ways to counter -act it. If the United States does not begin to prepare, it could have a very severe issue on its hands, and its population could be easily decimated and destroyed by sickness. 2. From a Jihad perspective, justify the choice of joining the cause. Explain your reasoning for supporting it. Why would one who was a Muslim wish to join the Jihad on America What would be the reasons for joining the cause There are several reasons why this concept is attractive to many people in Islamic countries. First, the concept of Jihad fits into the perspective of the Islamic religion. While most sects of Islam that take Jihad in its full seriousness are considered radicals, it can be

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Non western epistemologies and etiologies of disease and cures Essay

Non western epistemologies and etiologies of disease and cures - Essay Example When a Filipino gets sick he asks three questions which reveal the three sources of sickness from his point of view - he first question is asked because Filipinos believe there are physical causes for illness. It could be something that he ate or drank, a change in the weather, taking a bath at the wrong time (during menstruation or fever), or germs. These sicknesses are treated by doctors but due to the cost of western medicine, folk medicine is usually resorted to. This includes use of herbs and chemicals and sometimes saying a powerful prayer (Henry, 2006). If there is no apparent physical cause or if medical doctors are unable to cure a sickness, the second question is asked on the belief that if God or the spirit-world has been offended, then sickness could be sent as a punishment. With this background, a health practitioner dealing with this particular cultural group has to be aware and sensitive enough so as to deliver a patient-centered and patient-approved service as what Leonard Berry, a professor in Mays Business School at Texas A&M proposes (2003). Professor Berry studied the healthcare industry and says that its future depends on a patient-centered approach. Berry explained - Working at the high-end of expertise is a departure from what goes on now in the industry.. It means that specialist physicians should do less of what generalist physicians can do, generalist physicians should do less of what non-physician providers - such as nurses and physician's assistants - can do, and non physician providers should do less of what clinical staff can do. What's more, each caregiver should do less of what appropriately instructed patients and families can do for themselves". This patient-centered approach complements the concept of cultural competence among health practitioners which requires awareness and sensitivity to patients' cultural differences. Through this approach, patients are educated about their conditions, encouraged to ask questions and collaboration, discuss how the condition affects the patient emotionally, and involve patients in treatment decisions. In this way, a better served client is assured therefore lifting the quality of health care delivery. Works Cited Henry, Rodney L. Filipino Spirit World. OMF Literature, 2006 Scott, William Henry J. Barangay: Sixteenth Century Philippine Culture and Society. Ateneo de Manila University Press, 2004 Texas A&M University (2003, October 9). Patient-centered Approach Just What The Doctor Ordered For

Little Red Riding Hood Presented In Different Cultures Research Paper - 1

Little Red Riding Hood Presented In Different Cultures - Research Paper Example Little Red Riding Hood is yet another story that has been told many times in order to teach children lessons of not talking to strangers or disobeying their parents and elders. However, this story has been presented in various forms in different cultures all around the world because the best part about fairytales is that they may be morphed and diffused into different cultures and retold in different languages with the help of characters and beings that people are familiar with within the purview of their own cultures. The story of Little Red Riding Hood talks about a little girl who wore a red hooded cloak and went into the forest to look for wild berries and fruits. In the process, she was tricked into following a wolf dressed as her grandma, inside a house in a deserted part of the forest, where the wolf ultimately ate her up. The moral here is that children should not talk to or follow and believe strangers because they might fall into trouble and not have anyone around them to p rotect them from the evils of life. On viewing the same in a larger picture, parents tell their children this story as it is presented with a view to helping them understand the cruelties that lie in the world with respect to molestation, rape, and other criminal activities like vandalism and kidnapping, and how their children might be affected during their teenage years because those are the vulnerable years of a person’s life. Written by Gillian Cross, ‘Wolf’ is a very loose adaption of what a modern-day version of Little Red Riding Hood might be; it talks about the cruelties that young people are made to suffer and also social problems that rage in the world at present.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Industrial Hygiene Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Industrial Hygiene - Essay Example An exposure to the level above the limit is a violation of the law and can lead to the company’s closure or fine. However, it has been noted that an employee may be exposed to a hazardous materials at a level of about 2/3 of the allowable limit, but still show symptoms consistent with the exposure to the material. This paper explores this issue in terms of exposure limits, absorbed dose, sampling, analysis, and other individual factors. As earlier stated, the OSHA did establish an Occupational Exposure Limit (OEL) to ensure that workers are not exposed to too much chemicals that may be dangerous for their health. OEL refers to an allowable intensity of hazardous chemicals at the workplace over a given period of time. The limit of exposure is expressed on a time-weighted average (TWA) of 8 hours. It can also be expressed on a short-term average limit (STEL) of 15 or 30 minutes of exposure, which is the concentration level to which an employee can be exposed to the chemicals without showing any signs of the hazardous chemicals (Nims, 1999). Therefore, an employee exposed to hazardous chemicals of about 2/3 of the allowable limit implies an exposure to the chemicals for a period within the limit permitted by the OSHA. Despite the exposure being within the allowable limit, an employee can still show signs consistent with the exposure to the hazardous materials when the dosage absorbed within the limit is high. This is because there are certain chemicals that are very poisonous and any slight contact with such materials will manifest itself on the employee either through irritation, swellings, breathing problems just to name but a few. In addition, an employee may still show the symptoms of exposure to the materials despite not exceeding the allowable limits when the exposure to the dosage of the chemical has been gradual thereby resulting into high accumulation of the hazardous chemicals in the body. When such occurs, definitely the worker will

LOVE Enhancing the Marketing Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

LOVE Enhancing the Marketing Plan - Essay Example McDonald’s has over 14,000 stores in the United States and 32737 overall (Jargon, 2011). One of the strengths of McDonald’s is its wide variety of food items in the menu. The second strength McDonald’s has is its outstanding financial performance. In 2010, McDonald’s generated total revenues of $24,075 billion and net income of $4,946 billion (Aboutmcdonalds, 2011). The third strength of McDonald’s is its outstanding customer reach. McDonald’s serves over 64 million customers daily. The main weakness McDonald’s has is the high fat content of most of the items in its menu. The second major competitor in the food industry is Subway. Subway last year surpassed McDonalds as the fast food restaurant with the most franchises worldwide. Today Subway has 36,671 stores across 99 countries (Subway, 2011). Subway has multiple strengths that have made this franchise a complete success. The organization has a tremendous executive management team. D uring the last decade the franchise has been growing at an outstanding rate. The second strength of Subway is the quality of its food. Subway meals are low on calories and low on fat. The third strength of Subway is the fact that company lets its customers customize its sandwiches. The fourth strength of the company is its outstanding advertising. ... The major strength of pizza food trucks is the product’s appeal. Pizza is the favorite meal of Americans. The average American eats 46 slices of pizza each year (Mamadelucaspizza, 2007). The second strength of pizza trucks is competitive pricing. The con of the food cooked in pizza trucks is its extremely high fat content. 2) Thoroughly discuss how you plan to differentiate your company from the closest competitor and why? The closest competitor to 360UP is pizza truck vendors. 360UP will utilize a variety of strategies to differentiate the business. One of the most important strategies that the company will utilize to differentiate itself from mobile pizza trucks is having a gourmet quality product. 360UP is a mobile fast food restaurant serving cuisines with tricky flavor combinations - American-Asian cuisines, Mexican-Asian food, Thai-Mediterranean and so on. The unique blend of different flavors all over the world will be served in affordable and easy to eat meals. Unlike pizza, the food served at 360UP is healthy and nutritional. A second differentiating factor that 360UP will utilize to outperform the competition is innovative marketing practices. The advertising initiatives of 360UP are going to help the company reach its marketing goals because more potential customers are going to realize of the existence of the firm’s products and services. 360UP will utilize social websites, such as Facebook and Twitter, to communicate with its customers. Whenever the truck moves to any location, fans will be able to follow the movement of the food truck through Twitter. 360UP will implement socially conscious promotions, such as offering all senior citizens a 20% discount from the entire menu. Senior citizens have high disposable income because they

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 2

Assignment Example Having majored in finance, I am looking forward to build my own business and apply my learned knowledge in my business. I am a hard working person who would like to excel in the real estate sector. In this document, I offer my statement for long-term career goal, personal development, vision, mission, professional development, self assessment, description of my business dreams, and strategic professional development. Direction-mission, vision, values In order to stay focused in realizing my personal and professional ambitions, I have taken time in preparing my goal statement. My strategic plan is to ensure efficiency and effectiveness in all my personal and professional endeavors. I am well informed that without a proper goal statement and strategic plan, success in personal life and work can not be realized. Goal statement helps in figuring out what companies or industries a person is interested in. A long-term goal statement help in figuring out what one needs to accomplish in thei r career. For my sake, I am focused on starting and developing my personal business. I have a vision of starting a personal business in real estate. In order to be successful in my business plans, I must focus on self evaluation and development planning to enhance my capacity in realizing my long-term goal. It is essential for each person to know what he/she want to do in order to attain success. Knowledge on the strategies and approaches of gaining success is also essential in personal and professional development. External environment The Location of my indented real estate business will be at San Francisco. This is a perfect location due to the overwhelming market of real estate business in the area. For me, the weather and business environment in San Francisco is favorable for my personal and professional development. I like the warm and humid atmosphere of San Francisco. The good geographical environment and climate will help productivity and quality of my work. This is both fo r personal development of mood as well as availability of market. The geographic location is very suitable for diverse employees. Internal environment Luckily for me, I am well aware of what I want to do. I am also well aware of how to attain success in my personal and professional endeavors. My interests are in real estate business. Being a major in Finance, I will be able to successfully manage my business firm. I am a very outgoing and hardworking person who will be able to relate well with other business partners, employees and customers of all levels. I am very outgoing and able to interact with people of all backgrounds in a humble manner. Combination of these character traits with my knowledge in finance will make me succeed in real estate business. The first and fore most fundamental step in my long-term personal and professional development plan is gaining a degree in finance. Academic knowledge is of great importance in realizing my professional career objectives. I am ful ly aware that it is fundamental to get my feet wet in many areas so as to attain success. This will help me in furthering my knowledge, skills and understanding in finance. I am planning to apply for different positions of internships in finance and real estate. This will offer me the necessary preparations needed in real estate industry. By attaining my education and internship, I will be able to gain the necessary experience on different aspects of

Assessment Essay Example for Free

Assessment Essay 1:1 Functions of assessment Initial assessment- the starting part, used to decide what is known, what needs to be taught and what can be assessed. Formative assessment- this stage is where the learner is still in training and requires feedback on how they are progressing. Summative- used to judge completion. Whether you have passed or not. Holistic- clustering of assessments based on the grouping of a work role, rather than stand alone. Functions of assessment in training Identify the skill gap Design the training Deliver the training Plan the assessment Assess Feedback Either move on to the next part of training or go back and re do the previous assessment. This starts from the minute you get a new learner signed on. I do this by, setting out a training plan, giving the training, deciding with the learner when we both feel they are ready to be assessed and then do the assessment. With Sonya, she came from another salon where she had already done her level 2, she was about to be signed on to level 3. Before we got her signed on we done an assessment on a colour and a cut to make sure she was competent at level 2. 1:2 Key concepts and principles of assessment Reliability: By using the criteria and qualification and credit framework any assessor working independently should come to the same decision when assessing a learner. The learner should have been given the appropriate training and be competent to do the assessment. Validity: Is the work valid to the unit? The learner should be watched at all times to make sure the work is authentic. Assessments show us, what the learner is capable of and where further training would be required. It would also show if the learner needed any extra help. 1:3 Responsibilities of the assessor Make sure the candidates logbook is marked of when an assessment has been passed. Provide opportunities for assessment and make sure you book time out in your column. Be fair to all candidates, avoid any discrimination, comparing one against the other. Assess the learner against the national occupational standards and not your own opinion of what the standards should be. Consider the needs of the individual candidates; one might have a different learning style to the other. Learning difficulties should also be taken into account and help appropriate given where needed. Plan and assess assessments with candidates. Make sure learner and assessor think it is the right assessment to be done and that the learner is capable of doing the assessment. Place the learner under no undue pressure. If the candidate does not feel good about doing the assessment you should encourage them, if as an assessor you think they are capable of passing the assessment. But do not apply pressure as this could make the learner worry or feel stressed out by this. Check and ensure all the evidence is valid, authentic, current, sufficient and reliable. Make sure the work is valid to the unit and accurate, the learners own work, the work is consistent and of the appropriate nvq level criteria and is not a fluke. The work should also be current, i.e. if the learner has transferred salons and had some assessments already signed off you should make sure they are currently competent. Give constructive feedback. Using â€Å"complement sandwich† Positive comment Critical comment Positive comment Make sure you include the learner to give self assessment so you know how they think they have done. When giving your feedback always start with â€Å"how do you think you did?† Always give feedback promptly and record all assessment decisions and evidence clearly and fully so that everyone can always look back and see what has been said and done. Also in case there are any disagreements on the outcome you can look back at the records. Agree future action plans with the learner so that both the learner and assessor know what the next stage will be. Any discussions with the learner should be carried out in a professional manor. During meetings with the learner you should review the progress of assessment plans and determine where additional learning and training is required. I have recently had an issue with one of my trainee’s, she did not want to be taught anymore, and just wanted to be assessed on her cutting. She felt she had had enough training , although I didn’t. As she felt very strongly about this I allowed her to do a model we were going to use as training as an assessment, I did this so she would understand that she needs more training. Once she had completed the assessment I checked the cut, and explained to her where she had gone wrong, and also explained to her that with a little bit more practice she would be able to be assessed on models similar to what she had done and would be able to be marked off on them. She has agreed to have a little bit more training and agreed we will decide together in future when she will be assessed so as not to waste models. 1:4 Regulations and requirements relevant to assess hairdressing. Realistic working environment. Must develop realistic management procedures that incorporate a ‘salon image’. All assessments must be carried out under realistic commercial pressures and on paying clients. Assessments should be completed within the commercial timescale. Candidates must be able to achieve a realistic volume of work. The space per working area conforms to health and safety legislation. The range of services, professional tools, products, materials and equipment must be up to date and available for use. A reception area for clients to be greeted must be available. It must also include a payment facility. A retail facility must be provided.

Saturday, September 21, 2019


Freedom Ride of 1961 Essay Dear Mother, Before all else have been said and done, I want you to know that I love you more than life itself. I want to assure you that you and father make up a very good set of parents. Your upbringing made a believer out of me. Please understand that I refuse to keep quiet. I want to stand up for what I believe in and not just settle for being angry about the injustices that I witness happening around me, whatever it takes. I want to confront the barriers and overcome the sense of weakness that I feel. I do not want to be among those who would just dismiss such blatant injustices believing that they have no power to improve the situation. I want to be an agent of change. I believe that while young lives are at stake for mounting this protest, I have faith that in one way or the other, extensive media attention may be generated by the strike and the government will be ultimately forced to take action. I am offended by the manifestation of racism in our country. I believe that a group of young people have what it takes to change the system. After all, it is us who have most to gain by addressing this pressing issue. I have to admit, mother that I am afraid. I am not quite sure if I am capable enough to handle the pressure that awaits me. I fear being sent to jail at the same time as I fear the attacks of angry mobs of counter-protesters I am about to confront. However, the goal to fulfill my mission is greater than my fear. I want to prove them wrong. The youth may have the reputation of being indifferent. But then again, if the elders serve as advisors and mentors to the youth, the former would see the latter in a different light. Almost often, people lay blame on the youth for their indifference and unawareness of the things that are happening around them. But this is not always true and I want the world to know that. As I youth, I believe it is my mission to be part of a group who can supply the most innovative approach, take the most risks, at all possible costs. I am certain that we can foster positive changes through nonviolence. I hope that this undertaking could lead the way for peaceful protests led by the youth in whom the future of our nation lies. I understand that my choice can prove to be one of the most painful decisions you and father would allow me to make. Rest assured you have brought me up well. If I ever decide to be a responsible citizen, I would be very much contented with the pride I can leave behind. This endeavor is not just a struggle for a better and fair world for me. I am entering this battle to fight for mine, yours, and the rights of all the oppressed who can not wage a battle of their own. With all my love and respect, The name of the Son/Daughter

Introduction To Woman Dress Modestly

Introduction To Woman Dress Modestly Nowadays, as we know that dress code is very important to man or women that mentioned by the community now because dress code is represent a person respect to another person. Dress modestly is an issue that happening in our daily life or working life. Modestly is all about showing a persons behaviour, social status, dress and values. Yet for women, they do not care any things about safety that they wearing clothes where very expose their body or rock and they think this kind of wearing styles will bring them to pretty and feel that they are in the centre of the world nowadays. But all these stuff also determine level of social problem of a country and whole world countries also faced same problem that changing the style of girls dressing. The way of girls dressing like expose their body is a dangerous action that can caused criminal happened and the girl will be hurt at the end. Sometimes, the girl not only hurt yet she may be killed by criminals. For an example, there is a famous rape case in the Indonesia where an India lady raped by few criminals in the bus until dies and she is not wearing so expose. So that, government was set few rules or laws that required women dress modestly based on these few rape cases. From that laws set, it may decrease the rate of criminal happened. RESEARCH ON DRESS MODESTLY OF WOMEN Rules and regulations in Malaysia In Malaysia, the school uniform rules are for all students whatever boys or girls, they must wear their shirts or pants over kneel of the leg. Not only for school students, but for every parent that think want visits their child in the school, are they needed to follow these rules. Types of clothing to dress decently There are four types of clothing that mentioned dress decently, such as formal or informal, party attire and house coat. All these four types of clothing is a good guideline for every women in their daily life even though they have to work at outside or inside house or have to attend certain wedding dinner or party. These are some example of formal clothing for women in their workplace. This is an example of party attire of women dressed in modestly. Why the rules must require women dress decently? There are many harmful matter that faced by woman who did not dress decently. For safety Girls or women should dress decently before step out from the house even in the house because if you are like to dress that just want to expose your body then you just bring benefits to the man that always looking to you and attract them to do criminal on you because of you want to be more sharp in the other eye. Majority of girls or women did not realise this fact. There are many cases that published in the newspaper to show that many criminal cases such as murder or rape the women or girl whose didnt dress decently. Clothing can also be used as sexual signal. Looks more professional The looks of the way women dressing will be professionalism. In the other word, clothing can give stating or claiming personal or cultural identity. When you are dressing decently, you are giving good impression to other and let other treat you better. So that, in many societies, women have to dressed decently to meeting with customer if not the customer will think the women who meeting with him or her is not serious in the business. In this case, women wearing properly will bring her leadership character when she is leading a team to the more professional culture in the office. Keep body warm In the mentality and physically of women, they could not face any harm form outside such as cold weather. From the biological aspect, body structure of women is weaker than mans body structure so that they have to cover their body with clothes to avoid getting sneeze and cough. If they are getting cough or sneezing, they may different with usual in emotional and get them to depress in their life, such as student or employee and this is reason for self-murder case happened. The way to increase knowledge of dress decently in women As one friend for whose dressing that exposes their body, we should advise them to wear properly to avoid dangerous or criminal no wonder that you are. Besides that, we as family member should advise them do not dress too expose their body. Yet we as family member done this, we should having family meeting or family day to remind them back also. As the government, we should enforce or make the laws and rules more strengthen to avoid the rate of criminal case increase. Furthermore, to decrease the rate of criminal, the government should organise campaign or talk to increase alertness of women. The government should organise training for women learn self-defence art as a way to protect themselves from criminals even though they are wearing modest dressing. Besides that, the police should make more portals in certain dangerous place to avoid criminal case of women increase. The places where there is higher risk of womens safety are playground, recreational park, shopping complex and car park. Conclusion and recommendations From the education aspect, we should increase this kind of knowledge for women into girls who are growing up into women and in another side, as a parent, we should implant some religious knowledge such as Islam, Buddha, Christian and India religious teaching to our children to stop this sad matter that is happening around them. By learning this knowledge, women not only understand other religious knowledge but also understanding the facts which will eventually help them someday. As my opinion, all parties should work together and solve this issue especially the women. Women should change their clothing style to ensure that they are in safety and do not try wear some clothes that expose their body and then make their life in risk. Sometimes, we as friend should accompany them and help them to choose suitable dress and clothes to avoid they dont know how to choose and then choose wrong dress and clothes and make their life in risk. Dress indecently may be make you feel beautiful and get attention when people is surrounding you but please do not make yourself look like yourself wanted to do it because your life is given by GOD and is precious to your parents. So do not make them sad for the sake of your happiness because this happiness would not last long. INTRODUCTION TO DIVORCE Divorce is the legal separation of husband and wife, affected by any reasons that make them lost confidence on their marriage and also the divorce must have the judgement of a court by accepted custom. ( A big change that has occurred in the Western families are an increased with high rate in divorce. In the last 20 years, the rate of divorce was increased with high rate in Western countries. For example, 20 years ago in Australia, only one marriage in ten ended in divorce but the figure is more than three multiples nowadays. (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 1996) Based on statistic from Eurostat, Latviais reached highest rate of divorce on the Western countries that is 4.0 billion. For the coming Western country, Luxembourg is the next of the Latviais that reached 3.4 billion at the 2011. RESEARCH ON DIVORCE Causes that lead the marriage into divorce There are many causes that will affect the husband and the wifes marriage and lead them into divorce. Divorced can be caused by simple mistake done by any party of the family and there is no point if the people did wrong and did not realise and correct it to save the marriage based on what they have swear in the wedding. Cheating and dishonest when having extra illegal relationship Many respondents said that if their life partner cheated or lie to them, they could end the relationship. They could not live with another life partner that lied to them before because they think this is ashamed. By cheating, the other spouse would lose their trust towards their partner. When there is lack of trust, misunderstanding occurred easily because none of them actually wanted a proper solution for their conflict. They have extra illegal relationship based on the situation that another life partner dishonest to their spouse in return for another life partner. This situation is frequently happened to the majority of marriage. Higher income Usually, husband is the sole bread winner but nowadays women play the roles of wife is now earning more income than the husband. Eventually the wife decided to take control of whole family disregarding to the feeling of the husband. This is known as the queen control where the wife has more authority than the husband. So the wifes ego attitude has brought up into family conflict and the husbands ego underestimate. This will bring the misunderstanding to both parties where both parties could not tolerance with each other and this bring their marriage to broken and afterwards, there are very hard to them recover back their relationship and marriage. Effects after husband and wife divorced There are many effects after husband and wife divorced and this will bring many harmful effects to their child. Not only they will bring effect to their child but to their own family members, community or worldwide. These are some effects as stated as below: To family members or own self The effect of divorced will bring more suffer and pain or sadness to their own family member first because they are the one closed with divorced people. Furthermore, the people who divorced may thinking lifeless or something related to negative could do some stupid actions like revenge to their life betrayer who betray and dishonest on their marriage before. They will lost confidence on any relationship and marriage to avoid them get hurt again. In addition to divorce, there are many divorced people hide their feeling and afraid to seek assistance from outside and this will affect their daily life become more tough and stressful than other normal people. This means their mentality is already affected by divorce this word. Besides that, they afraid to know new friend even try to enlarge their social network because they keep that outsider is the one who will bring dangerous to them and they could not face any pain or sadness any more. Many parents no matter is father or mother, they will face mentality problem after they are divorced and this problem will cause divorced parents child will get suffer and pain because of abuse from their parents. Child abuse can be sexual abuse from their own parent whose are divorced to fulfil their requirement. The child could not get a good and memorable childhood because they are live in incomplete family. The child will be growth in an incomplete family and their mentality will be affected and do stupidest action to make them happy and enjoy by doing some actions related to social problem, such as taking drug, alcohol and so forth. Neighbourhood Generally, a family is not complete by having divorced in that particular family. The divorced story will become a gossip that discussed by neighbours although this is a common matter that will happened if something happened to your family but it is too hurt a people when you are talking and chatting his or her gossip behind when he or she know it. Sometimes, a couple had divorced and then it can be form a bad reputation to other family members. It is because people will not sympathise to what happened to you but they will make joke or keep laughing on you and this is caused divorced couples cannot face any stress because this is most stressful thing they have to face. This is what we call it as human being. Besides that, the other family will feel ashamed on your divorced marriage because they think the people who dishonest in the marriage are their own relatives but not for the other side or they will put the fault into the people who divorced with their relatives and they will start the gossip and spread it out. Community For the divorced family or couples, they will hard to face community ashamed because they think they are isolated from outside party and they only focus his or her own social network and they try do not enlarge it but sometimes they are tried to know more new friends yet the community will think divorced couples or family is unlucky for them and think they make mistakes in their marriage. The child from divorced families will be isolated from their friends in the school or college because they tend to stay out from the trouble by avoid who from the divorced family. The child from divorced family also will underestimate by other friends in the school because they may dont have father or mother to accompany them growth together. Eventually, the child from divorced family will get influence by their bad or evil friends because there is no good friends want be friend with them so they try to be friend with those are the gangster in school to get protection or involved on their gangster activities, such as bully other students or take illegal items to enjoy himself or herself. For an example of illegal items, drug, alcohol and so forth. Afterwards, they are made mistake in the school need their parents to meet with principal rather than their parents need work at outside so that their parents hard to work or find job and they will face jobless. The parents already divorced and adopt the child with single part but they need to take care the whole family with one salary. Nation If the rate of divorce for a country is high, that means the country do not make any policies to stop this situation continue happened. In addition, the image of the country will be spoiled at the same time. In spite of the rate of divorce increasing tremendously yet the separation of family still continue increasing equally. Child from divorced family will be friend with gangster because the divorced parents spend time in their working time rather than spending time with their children. So that, they are making trouble in everywhere and caused the rate of social problem increased. In spite of the rate of social problem increased yet the security of the country will be challenged by all these issues and problems of the child and gangster made. Conclusion and recommendation to reduce the rate of divorce Divorce is a hot topic that has been discussed by community. Divorce also bring many painful and sad memory to whoever affected by the divorce process or separation. Divorce has been classified as a social problem and this will affect the process of develop for a country. Without any understanding and honest between each other in couple, there is will be separation for them. In the conflict between couple, the most suffer is their children and they never think about it. They only care about their own benefit and make it to the court to judge their children pass to who to take care.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Masculine and Feminine Spaces Within the Home

Masculine and Feminine Spaces Within the Home This essay will analyse the historical relevance of the idea of masculine and feminine spaces within the home and whether these ideas are still apparent in a 21st century South African context. This analysis will be done by using the ideals placed on the Victorian Household and the psychological gender of the spaces, through looking into key spaces within the De Villiers family home and how the design interventions used in their home are relevant or irrelevant to the idea of masculine and feminine spaces. Through looking at both Public and Private Spaces within the house this extent will be analysed. The Victorian era is an era that has held a lot of symbolism to our current culture. It has been the cause of some great debate about the gender roles on men and women for centuries (Forty 1986: 110). The Victorian era held the strongest reasons for questions to be asked about the house and what went on in doors (Forty 1986: 109). Our current society still lives by some of the rules that were placed into the home environment, though a few roles may be reversed or neutralised. When looking at the key culture of the Victorian era the person has to analyse the middle class to upper class households that held more than three rooms and had rooms that were gender orientated (Forty 1986: 106). â€Å"As domestic environments have come to be regarded as signs of the occupants characters, people have gone to great lengths to present a satisfactory account of themselves.† (Forty 1986: 106) As people we base a large amount of what we think of a person or family on their living conditions and therefore we project the desired opinion that we want from others onto our own living spaces, to be perceived in a certain way. This was a mentality that was seen in the Victorian era as well and predicted the future of you and you relatives (Forty 1986: 102). The Home was seen as a class symbol that would project the wealth and status of the family that lived within (Forty 1986: 101). This was an important part of knowing who to socialise with and what their personal worth would be to you. Sexualities can only be adequately evaluated in relation to their broader cultural contexts (Smyth 1992:20). This can determine if one or both partners in a heterosexual relationship tend to be either more feminine or masculine in the relationship. Cavallaro (2001:115) states that: â€Å"Anti-essentialists do not deny that men and women are biologically and anatomically different. However, they argue that masculinity and femininity are not timeless realities grounded in natural laws but actually cultural concepts that change significantly through time and space.† The sex of the person does not affect the gender role that they have. How that will affect the relationship within the home in terms of the interior style according to the gender role that is more predominant. The De Villiers family home is a household that is commonly found in South African, a mix of Afrikaans plaas and English City mentality (De Villiers 2015). The mother was brought up in Johannesburg and the father on a farm in Nelspruit (De Villiers 2015). The household consists of the mother, Debbi and the father, Lewis with their three sons over twenty-one living with them (De Villiers 2015). The family has a love for hosting friends and family in their spaces, this has made some design choices crucial in the house (De Villiers 2015). Debbi Studied to be a grade 5 teacher, but after having her first son chose to raise their children as a stay at home Mother (De Villiers 2015). At this stage the father had a big part in the design choices and certain things like floral patterns and colour were not allowed to play a role in the communal spaces (De Villiers 2015). Debbi decided to do her own curtains for the house and this soon after became a business that was bringing in more money th an the construction Job that Lewis had (De Villiers 2015). They soon started to work together and this is when the change in the house happened and the chance for Debbi to bring Hints of florals into the house (De Villiers 2015). The house is over 85 years old and was renovated eleven years ago to modernise some of the feature and add to some of the spaces in the house (De Villiers 2015). The family hosts a large collection of inherited antiques that have been reupholstered to suit the style of the house (De Villiers 2015). The mix between contemporary and old form a balance in this neutral colour scheme home. The latest room to be redecorated was the television room in February 2015 (De Villiers 2015). The exterior is a common South African face brick exterior. In the Victorian time the men had domain over what the exterior of the house was to be this was because the exterior world was a man’s world (Forty 1986: 104). A masculine exterior was seen as superior as it improved the power status of the family that lived within the house, if the exterior was more feminine the house was seen as bordering on a childish expression (Ehrnberger, Rà ¤sà ¤nen Ilstedt 2012: 89). The exterior of the De Villiers h ouse is masculine but the garden softens the exterior and makes the overall appearance more neutral. As one enter the house you walk onto a raised platform that forms the passage to the private areas of the house and the public areas, this can be seen on the diagrammatic in Figure 1. The entrance looks into the open plan Formal living room (Figure 1 and 2). This room would be the equivalent to the music room and drawing room in a Victorian household. The space is divided into three defined segments: the first a Lounge area that is symmetrical with Colour making the space asymmetrical, seen in figure 2; a seating area of two wingback chairs that has a table with family pictures and other memorabilia, seen in Figure 2; and a Music area that has the piano and a music stand, the piano has memorabilia on top of it, seen in Figure 2. The soft furnishings are in a majority neutral palate with red cushions and pale blues or florals (Figure 2 3) being brought through, this a feminine way of decorating the space (Kinchin 1996: 13). The dark woods of all the hard furniture is a masculine trai t (Kinchin 1996: 13). â€Å"Boundaries between inner psyche and outward aesthetic expression were growing ever more indistinct† (Sidlavskas 1996:70). The overall design of the room is more feminine with the Photographs and displays of plants and embellishments throughout the space, these embellishments of the room can be seen as a nostalgic element of a more feminine nature of remembering things from the past (Morley 2002: 58). The next space is the formal dining room that is off the kitchen and Formal living room, as can be seen in Figure 1. Figure 4 shows the entire space of the dining room. Mainly done in dark furnishings with a few decorative items. The room is more masculine with a strong contrast to the Formal living room. The Fire place has a feminine look to it and has been in the house since it was originally built. The furniture is all repurposed family antiques. The pictures on the walls are prints and painting of men. These elements make the room more masculine and as it is more purpose decorated, therefore it has a more serious feel to it. This space is not a common used space and is kept for special occasions where in the Victorian era it would have been the most used room and the biggest status symbol in the house (Kinchin 1996: 16). This use of the dining room would also allude to the Victorian ideal of the saying ‘man of the House’ and this would therefore need the space to com e across more masculine to show the ownership of the house unit. The outdoor patio space that is off the dining room, seen in Figure 1, is a space used to celebrate family events. Morley (2002: 19) talks about the need of the family to part take in rituals (Birthdays, Easter and Christmas celebrations) in certain areas of the house as a way of showing an â€Å"appearance of proper family relations†. This space in the De Villiers house is the Main patio, which has been designed to be an entertainment area. This area was added to the house ten years ago and has been used to celebrate a wide range of events, as well as a favourite space to spend time with one another. This space is a multi-purpose space that brings in the families love of nature into the space with the garden bordering the space. This natural element is seen as a feminine side and with the curving chandeliers and lighter colours. the overall space has more of a feminine feel to the space. The Family Sitting room that is off the dining room, seen in Figure 1, is the most used space by the entire family. Decorated in a Postmodern style that is emotionally decorated (Figure 6) and not functionally decorated, â€Å"stressing a unique and ‘daring’ combination of heterogeneous furniture elements all favoured for their authentic individual merits† (Cieraad 1999: 9). This space was redesigned in February and therefore the gender role of the room has changed. All the dark wood furnishings have been limited and some painted white to give a softness to the hard furniture. The walls have been repainted in a neutral colour, while the colour blue has been brought in with florals and patterns to balance masculine and feminine in the room (Figure 6). The room that was predominately the son’s haven therefore more masculine, has become a shared neural space for the whole families use. The son’s bedrooms are each different and match each of their personalities. The oldest son’s bedroom (figure 18) is bedroom 3. The colour scheme is very similar to the rest of the house with a more neutral gender role. The middle son’s bedroom (figure 15 and 16) is simply decorated with blues and a few items on his desk. The youngest son (figure 17) has the most items in his bedroom and has a large about of memorabilia in the room. The colour scheme is blue and green. The boys have masculine rooms. â€Å"We must recognise that often home is ‘a contested domain: an arena where differing interests struggle to define their own spaces within which to localise and cultivate their identity’† stated by Ehrnberger (Rà ¤sà ¤nen Ilstedt 2012: 57). Each of the sons are trying to find their own identity in their individual rooms and therefore their rooms are a contrast to the overall style of the house. The main bedroom suit that is off the main passageway next to bedroom 1, seen in Figure 1, is the haven in the house for the husband and wife. Figure 7 to 14 show the entire suit. Each space has a different gender role and this shows who the space was designed more for the people living within it. The bedroom shown in figure 7, 8 and 9, is less ornamentally designed then the public spaces. The furnishings are in mainly neutral colours with very little patterning on them. Each night stand has a different appeal. There is a small patio and seating area for the husband and wife to spend time with each other in their shared space. The wife’s night stand (figure 7) is round with a table cloth making it softer, it has a plant and a small lamp on the table along with a few books and other items. Along with her dressing table it marks her individual space within the room. The husband’s nightstand (figure 8) has a chandelier hanging over it, the stand is made of a dark wood and has piles of books on the stand. The husband’s side of the bed is closest to his study. â€Å"The surface of a room, the shape of an object, its colour, can inspire sympathy or even antipathy†¦ objects become signs of a great number of small actions† Paul Bourget (Sidlauskas 1996:73). The individual spaces within the shared spaces are strongly defied unlike the rest of the house. The rooms off the bedroom each have more masculine traits. The study (Figure 10 and 11) off the main bedroom is overflowing with clutter and books. This space seems messy but is a well-used space and is the husband’s main space for himself in the house. The atrium off the space shows the need for individual space in the garden area for him as well. The bathroom seen in figure 13 and 14, shows a more masculine space with the use of dark woods along the neutral colours. There is very little decoration other than two paintings and a chair that has been placed in the space. The bathroom is more of a place of function then emotion, making the space more masculine (Morley 2002: 57). The De Villiers house was designed in a French style that would lead one to think that the femininity of that style of design would be the most prominent gender role within their house. This house shows that through the people the space is made a home and their personal gender roles, along with the functionality of each space determines the overall gender role of each space. Rothchild (1999: 11) talks about the change in ownership roles of the house due to the workplace becoming more feminine. This allows one to see that the family unit has a more balanced Gender role household due to Debbie and Lewis working together as co-owners of a business, though Debbie now has a more design choice in the house. The private spaces applies to the individual that spends the most amount of time within that space. While the public space tend to be more masculine with feminine touches or elements being brought in to balance the space. The exterior of this house does not have an effect on the overall gender role within the house. From my personal perspective, the De Villiers house tends to hold a more balanced amount of masculine and feminine gender spaces, though feminine elements outweigh the masculine elements in the public spaces. The overall design style of the house stays consistent throughout the space.